For Buisness

Enterprise wired and wireless networking for your organisation

No matter the type or size of your business you need certain things from your wired and wireless networks. 

SecurityNetwork security is critical in todays world and is a vital aspect of Cyber Security Essentials and provides protection from external and internal threats. This is more than a firewall it's configuring the network and infrastructure as a whole, and who can use it for what.
ReliabilityConnection dropouts or failed conference calls can go beyond embarrassment and frustration to loosing you business. As the number of users increase so does the network complexity to meet that demand.
CoverageHave you ever had that meeting room that doesn't get used because the WIFI is poor? That's coverage.. It's being able to connect no matter where you are seamlessly and to move about your premises without ever losing a connection or call.


Specialist Needs

There are many systems for both Wired and Wireless networking that despite having large overlaps, all have different capabilities and are designed to suit different situations. 

Specialist Services

I don't replace your existing IT Provider, but work along side them to deliver specialist services.